Hill Staffer Gets Annual Bonus from Forgotten Cash in Winter Coat

Cold weather meant cold hard cash for one lucky Hill staffer!

Republican legislative aide Katie Kafoury rejoiced Friday when she received her annual bonus of $1.69 from the pocket of a winter coat she hadn’t worn in six months.

“Oh my God, I completely forgot about this!” she exclaimed. “It’s probably from when I meant to tip that bartender at Bullfeathers and then didn’t.”

Kafoury said she plans to spend her bonus on 45 minutes of rent in the coming month.

But when pressed on a related issue, Kafoury said she does not support the recent push to create a Congressional Workers Union.

“Why would I want the right to $45,000 a year when I have the freedom to find George Washington in my pocket at any time? That’s the American way, if you ask me.”


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